School ended around 11:30 so waited for kirstie till 12:45 then went home.
Went to bs had foundation truth chpt 7. I love bs. It's about the different kind of faith. I want to have perfect faith. & Joanne lost so much weight in Taiwan.
Went to meet tong, seah jing, yvonne, ber with vanessa. Took a train to somerset then went kbox. Wheet that was where the fun begin. We were so high. It's really girls night out. Fei Lun Hai rox. I love da dong. We were like going crazy on all the songs.
Going crazyy at:
Chao Xi Huan Ni!
Zhe Me Ban!
Zhi Dui Ni You Gan Jue!
Wo Ke Yi!
Jing Wu Men!
& more!
let the picture speak for itself

Then took a cab home with ber.
Sick Sick ! Retarded!
Went for service almost vommited during worship.
Grr. But never mind god will heal me.
Pst kong talk about his trip to taiwan felt very blessed by it & i want to go japan. Everybody losing weight in taiwan.Today service was preaching on the sermon on the mount really got touched by the spirit. Never felt anything like this before. (: After service celebrated han yang birthday gave him a addidas bag. its super nice.
Went to bk at changi airport to eat. Everybody was studying there. Went home around 11:00.
She dreamt of you.
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